General Information
Who can participate?
We are seeking women aged 18-35 years old. Participants must have had recent or past experiences of casual sex with men and currently reside in Australia.
How can I participate?
If you are a woman with experiences of casual sex with men and would like to participate, you can choose between a one-on-one or a focus group interview. To express interest in participating, please click the button below.
What does participation involve?
You can participate in this study through a one-on-one interview either via Zoom or phone or a focus group interview either via Zoom or face-to-face (depending on your location). Focus group interviews will take place in Melbourne in a safe, public venue that provides sufficient privacy for discussion. Both one-on-one and focus group interviews will take approximately 90 to 120 minutes of your time. Interviews will explore topics including background information about yourself, your engagement and experiences of casual sex with men.
Will I be paid for my time?
Participants will be reimbursed for their time with a $50 gift voucher.
Where and when will focus group interviews be located?
Focus group interviews can take place either face-to-face in Melbourne, Victoria or via Zoom. You can select an interview time that best suits your schedule. Interviews will take place from June 2024 onwards.
I work during typical office hours (9am–5pm). Can I be interviewed in the evening or on the weekends?
We understand that it can be difficult to participate when balancing work and other life commitments. Our researchers will do our best to accommodate your availability, including scheduling interviews in the evening.
I live in Australia, but I do not reside in Melbourne. Can I participate?
Yes. Any person residing in Australia that meets the eligibility criteria can participate. However, if you do not reside in Melbourne, you will only be eligible for online or phone interviews. Please note that a strong internet connection is required for Zoom interviews.
Who is running this study?
This research is conducted by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University. The researchers conducting this study are PhD candidate Miranda Millen, Dr Jennifer Power and Dr Alexandra James. This research is funded through a Research Training Stipend (RTS) Scholarship as a part of a doctoral thesis project.
Can I be interviewed in a language other than English?
At this time, interviews can only be conducted in English. This research is part of a PhD project with limited funding and resources. Due to these limitations, we are unable to offer interviews in other languages.
How can I find out more?
If you have any further questions, or if you would like to express interest in participating, you can contact Miranda Millen at m.millen@latrobe.edu.au.
How can I find out the results of this study?
After this study is completed, a short 2–3-page report providing a summary of the project will be provided to participants when available. Additional reports, publications and thesis produced from the findings of this study can be requested by contacting Miranda Millen at m.millen@latrobe.edu.au.
What if I have a complaint?
If you have a complaint about any part of this study (HEC23543) please contact the Senior Research Ethics Officer at La Trobe University via phone (03 9479 1443) or email (humanethics@lartrobe.edu.au).
I am a trans woman, can I participate?
Yes, this study is inclusive of trans women.
I identify as non-binary, can I participate?
This study aims to examine the experiences of women. Non-binary or gender-nonconforming persons to which the term ‘woman’ speaks to your experience are welcome to participate.
I’m a trans man, but I lived as a woman for a long time and would like to share my experiences from that time, can I participate?
This is a study about women’s experiences. We want to learn more by exploring the gendered sexual practices of people who currently identify as women. While the project may discuss past experiences, it mainly focuses on the present or recent past. We recognise that some trans men may have strong lifelong connections with and experience casual sex with men, and we acknowledge the importance of these. However, as this is a study about women’s experiences, unfortunately, trans men are not eligible to participate. We support the need for more research that looks into trans men’s specific experiences of sex and consent and hope to contribute to this work in future projects.
I am a woman who has had experiences of casual sex with men, but I do not identify as straight or heterosexual. Can I still participate?
Yes. This study is focused on the experiences of casual sex with men, your sexual identity will not affect your eligibility to participate.
What do you mean by ‘casual sex’?
This study focuses on women’s experiences of casual sex with men. We do not specify a specific definition of what qualifies as ‘casual sex’. If you have sexual experiences with men that you would categorise as ‘casual sex’ you are eligible to participate.
I have experiences of casual sex with men, but I am currently in a monogamous relationship, can I participate?
Yes. Your current relationship status will not affect your eligibility to participate. To participate you must have had recent or past experiences of casual sex with men.
I am currently residing in Australia, but I do not have a permanent visa or residency, can I still participate?
Yes. All participants must be currently residing in Australia. Your visa status will not be affected by your eligibility.
Why was I not chosen to be interviewed for this study?
We welcome anyone who meets the eligibility criteria to express interest in participating in this study. We are interested to hear from women from a range of backgrounds and experiences. Due to funding constraints, we are limited in the number of people we can interview. To make sure our study reflects the diversity of women’s communities across Australia, some individuals may be selected while others may not. However, we affirm that all experiences are valid, and we want to hear about as many women’s experiences as possible. Thank you for your interest and support for this project.